Matiu Payne and Wendy Fox

Utilising Mātauraka Māori knowledge and western scientific mapping technology to track vegetation changes in the Koukourarata (Port Levy) basin from c1620 to 2019. Mātauraka Māori held by the Kāti Huikai hapū records that their migrating waka (vessel), Makawhiu, arrived in Koukourarata at approximately the same time as the Mayflower was touching ground in America around… Continue reading Matiu Payne and Wendy Fox

Sai Pavani Divakarla, Dr Stewart Sutherland, Dr Rosalie Aroni – The Australian National University

The transmission of traditional food knowledge: Experiences and perspective of young adults The health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is linked to culture and often described in terms of Social and Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB). The role of traditional food practices has often been assumed or overlooked. A greater understanding of transmission and acquisition… Continue reading Sai Pavani Divakarla, Dr Stewart Sutherland, Dr Rosalie Aroni – The Australian National University

Te Rangikaheke Kiripatea, Jasmin Jackson – Kai Rotorua Inc

Kai Rotorua is a volunteer-run local organisation made up of over 130 individuals and organisations. It is using a multi-pronged approach to address the food security problem including: Building free veggie gardens in people’s backyards Teaching children and adults how to grow traditional and staple food crops, in particular kumara and karoro, moemoe and taewa… Continue reading Te Rangikaheke Kiripatea, Jasmin Jackson – Kai Rotorua Inc

Tumai Cassidy, Kiliona Tupai-Tamati, Te Atarau Cassidy, Monique Tahere, Whetu Haua-Bartlett

Ka hao te rakatahi – restoring our connection to our whenua, our reo, our mahika kai practices The focus of this korero is the story behind our tribal wetlands, Te Nohoaka o Tukiauau, and how we are re-engaging whānau with our whenua through rakatahi focused initiatives.

Woody Lee – Morphose Designs

Designing people-ecology interactions with mahinga kai – a landscape architectural study Landscape architects are actively re-imagining people’s influence as a positive part of nature. The discipline has been working with more expansive conceptualisations of landscape, and an expanded scope of ‘site’ that embraces a direct designing of activities, performances, interactions, engagement and encounters. This research… Continue reading Woody Lee – Morphose Designs

Yvette Couch-Lewis & Courtney Bennett – Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke

Mahinga Kai Meets Planning Documents – Whaka-Ora Healthy Harbour Case Study Mahinga kai is one of the cornerstones of Ngāi Tahu identity. In this post-settlement era, Crown, Councils, and other organisations in Te Waipounamu often strive to include Ngāi Tahu values – such as mahinga kai – into various planning documents and project scopes in… Continue reading Yvette Couch-Lewis & Courtney Bennett – Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke